How can you use fermented foods every meal, every day?
Let us show you the ways....
What do you do when your steak turns out to be schnitzel?! Panic? Improvise!!I
Quick cooked, whole schnitzel in garlic butter, sliced up and chucked it together with GoodBugs Ginger Ninja Kimchi, diced coriander and a tablespoon of cream cheese.
Even the kids that "don't like kimchi" gobbled it up.
This may become a family favourite!
beef schnitzel (sliced into strips)
garlic clove
butter for frying
Tbsp cream cheese
fresh coriander (chopped)
GoodBugs Ginger Ninja Kimchi  Buy here
Quick cook beef strips in a hot pan with garlic and butter.
Transfer to bowl and toss with a tablespoon of cream cheese, Ginger Ninja Kimchi and chopped coriander.