Locally Sourced Produce

GoodBugs are proud to use locally source produce in our Fermented Products. Many of our suppliers are also vendors at the farmers markets Suncakes Catos The Tomato Man Jim's Gardens Earth Stewards We also use produce from Ceres Organics Chantal Organics Green World Verrywell Gardens
Coming Soon to Tauranga Farmers Market

We are excited to announce that you will soon be able to buy GoodBugs at the Tauranga Farmers Market . Due to Level 2 restrictions we have been unable to offer samples at Farmers' Markets. Market visitors love to try before they buy and we sell a lot of products after our customers trying and sample our products. So so as soon as we are at Level 1 and able to offer samples, you will find GoodBugs at the Tauranga Farmers Market.
Operating under COVID Level 4 restrictions

GoodBugs is delighted to be back at the Waikato Farmers Markets There are a few rules and regulations that we are adhering too. We are unable to offer samples under level 2 so instead we have samples that you can buy. $2.50 for samples of sauerkraut and kimchi and $3.50 for Zesta fermented pesto.